
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One More Chance

This is a nice poem I came across by chance ... It’s a lot easier to tell what you would do if you had the right chance than to show what you did with the chance you had.

Oh no! I’ve lost my chance!
I just can't find it anywhere
It was in my back pants pocket
But now, darn it - it’s not there

Just yesterday, I had my chance
Now suddenly it’s gone
And the worst part is that was the one chance
I depended on

I only had one chance
But still I let it slip away
I’d give anything if I could have
My one chance back today

It was truly the chance of a lifetime
But it fell out of my pants
I wonder where you go
To get a second chance?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How true...chance is to life what you are to me!