
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My Favorite Sounds ...

With senses, we discover the world around us - our amplified powers of perception, expanded sense of hearing and reception, our mounted sense of touch and feeling, our distended aptitude of olfaction, our heightened gift of taste and piquancy, our increased capacity for reason, love and happiness, all of which are qualities we develop over time.

An enlightening pastime is to make a list of favorite things that impact the senses. Not only does it provide a challenging exercise for the mind and memory, but it sharpens our appreciation of these golden moments in time… Besides the sound of music there are sounds that make me exhilarated and alive or quite and calm… Let me share with you my ten favorite sounds.

Melodious singing of the Koel (Nightingale) in the dawn or at dusk in the month of May during our summer vacations.

Geet and Sangeet are the soul of any Indian wedding. We as kids always scurried to our gates to the sounds of a ‘Baraat’ – A marriage procession passing by for their loud band, dance and merry.

The shrill sound the aero plane made every time, passing over our heads when it either took off or was about to land long back when we lived very close to the airport.

The sound of a cheerful baby chuckling in amusement for something it doesn’t even know or recognize.

The sounds of the water in a running stream or a gushing waterfall or lapping by the shore.

The harmonious notes of the wind chime coming from the patio of a house on the top floor in the lane opposite to mine.

An overcrowded stadium singing the national anthem.

The gentle breeze of the wind whooshing through the trees.

Sounds of silence – utter and complete. Perfect silence while watching the moon and the stars. Absolute silence in the mountain lake at sunset.

The softness in Love calling ‘Sweeto’ when back home after work.


“All of nature begins to whisper its secrets to us through its sound. Sounds that were previously incomprehensible to our soul now become the meaningful language of nature.” - Rudolf Steiner


Anonymous said...

The sounds come alive when I read your writing! You write well Manasi - and you write from the heart.

Go out to other blogs and participate. More people will know you and come back to visit your blog.

When you are new to a town, you need to hang out in the park so you can meet some people. Invite them home and serve some chai - you know all about that :)

Anonymous said...

Adding to the list is you saying hello! whenever you pick the phone... sweeto!