
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Beach Therapy - Miami - Key West - Florida

Lovely beaches of Miami and Key West have inspired me to write this. Everything about these beaches was rejuvenating and refreshing - almost like a therapy - I call it 'Beach Therapy'.

My memories of the ocean will linger on, long after my footprints in the sand are gone.

Walk along the seashore and play in the sand
Smell the salty waters and sense the wind on the face
Splash in the water and bathe in the sea
Bounce with the waves and ride with the tide

Watch the infinite sky motionless overhead
Feel the sands slide underneath the soles
Listen to the voices of the wind and the sea
On a mile of warm sea-scented beach

Boats, schooners and catamarans sail you see
Giant whistling ships cruise on the sea
Fishermen eager to fish and cast their nets
Enthusiasts ready to surf and ride the waves

Girls make merry in the crystal blue waters
Then lay on beach and get some sun
Children play with empty shells and pebbles
Gaze up at slender coconut trees for fun

On the wet sands in the morning the seagulls flock
Sight the dunes, the grasses and the coral rock
Marvel at the hidden treasures from the sea unfold
Waves lapping the shoreline with stories untold

Everything about the ocean is at reviving spree
Where no worries no troubles of any sort reach
Lying empty, open, choice less as a beach
Awaiting a gift from the bottomless sea.


Anonymous said...

Mind blowing.. you are just could you write such a soliloquy in such a short time... Guess the Keys also fully unlocked a hidden talent in you....

Anonymous said...

You write beautifully. I am sorry I do not stop by more often. Really.

It is incredible how your words flow. Do write. I have stumbled you post. I love your blog!

Can you write Children's Stories? Would you consider writing?

It is beautiful in Seattle isn't it? A white Christmas for us, I guess :). Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year Manasi!